NELFA press release 7 April 2017


Upcoming: 10 days of action to celebrate family diversity worldwide! Celebrate with us the rainbow families from 7 May (IFED) to 17 May (IDAHOT)
In May 2017, both the International Family Equality Day (IFED) and the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT) invite advocates for LGBTIQ* equality and their friends and allies to take action in support of diverse and safe families.
From May 7- May 17, there will be ten days of action in support of family diversity and equality worldwide. NELFA (the Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations) and its partner organisations aim to raise awareness of the urgent need for recognition of rainbow families, no matter which shape and size it has. For that reason, the motto of the International Family Equality Day 2017 is “LOVE MAKES A FAMILY”. LGBTIQ* people, and all people from sexual and gender minorities who identify differently, face discrimination, violence and abuse in many parts of everyday life. For them, the need for supportive, caring and protective families is particularly vital. Like anyone confronted with unknown or unusual circumstances, families who include members with non-conformant sexual orientations and/or gender identities need support, education and resources.
Caroline Ausserer, NELFA Board member and IFED liaison person, emphasizes, “Families are at the heart of all of our lives. Whether it is the family we grew up with or the families we have built throughout our lives. Whether they are families of biology or families of choice, we are all part of ‘families’, we are family!”
Maria von Känel, Coordinator of the International Family Equality Day, adds, “In many countries Rainbow Families, that is families where at least one of the parents is LGBTIQ*, face social and legal discrimination and stigma. This lack of proper recognition and protection denies them and especially their children, the most basic rights. Rainbow Families, like all others, need social and legal recognition and protection for all their members. Families, in all their forms, must be recognised, supported, and celebrated!
Hashtag: #IFED17
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Yours cordially,
Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations,
on behalf of the International Family Equality Day (IFED) Network
About NELFA: NELFA is the European platform of LGBTIQ* families associations, bringing together LGBTIQ* parents and parents-to-be from all over Europe. NELFA currently represents 32 organisations in 19 European countries with more than 26,500 members. NELFA is a member of ILGA-Europe and Transgender Europe. Website:
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Further contacts:
Caroline Ausserer (NELFA Board member, IFED liaison person): +49 157 77715016
Maria von Känel (IFED Coordinator): +41 79 611 06 71


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©2024 NELFA aisbl 845937097 - Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations - Greetings to all LGBTIQ* families, friends, activists out there.

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