

LGBTIQ* parents and their children are still extraordinary and unknown to many people. Therefore, they often react with suspicion, mistrust or even disgust and a general lack of understanding. Let’s make the first move to change it! Because visibility matters! And it’s not that difficult…

Please, share your own sweet/humorous/exciting/touching/gripping story, the most beautiful family photos, nice pictures painted and drawn by your kids. Just show your support for rainbow families with a positive statement, an interesting encounter. Let’s spread joy, pride and courage!

We would like to use your contributions for our work, for example to embellish our website, to illustrate our press releases, to create expressive posters, workshop materials and so on. In any case, NELFA will deal carefully with such contributions. Just let us now, how we should use them

Send your stories/photos/pictures to

Please, check also our page “NELFA exchange“. You might find a possibility to participate in a special working group, survey etc.


We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


©2024 NELFA aisbl 845937097 - Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations - Greetings to all LGBTIQ* families, friends, activists out there.

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