Membership request
The Network of European LGBTIQ* Families Associations is always searching for new allies. If you want to support our aims and objectives and help LGBTIQ* parents and their children throughout Europe, you are very welcome! NELFA aisbl offers two types of membership:
Associations of LGBTIQ* families or associations that [1] deal substantially with issues related to LGBTIQ* families and [2] are duly constituted as associations in their European State of origin may apply to be full members of NELFA aisbl. The costs amount to 100 EUR per year.
Full members set the guidelines and the priorities of NELFA through their votes at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and make an ongoing contribution to its activities. They may appoint representatives to take part in NELFA’s projects if so asked. Moreover, full members will be kept informed and consulted, in particular via the NELFA committee mailing list.
Natural persons or legal persons such as associations may apply to be supporting members of NELFA aisbl. The costs amount to 40 EUR per year for organisations. Individual members (rainbow families) pay 30 EUR.
Supporting members may take part in activities and they will be kept informed through the committee mailing list. The may attend the AGM as observers at their own expense, but are not entitled to vote or to stand for election to the organisational structures. Supporting members may be invited by the Board to participate in working groups, or otherwise.